Not Open to Applications
Apply For This Grant:
Eligibility & Application Process:
Please see the Request for Proposals.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I determine if I am eligible to submit an application; what is the first step?
Applicants must be a PhD candidate currently enrolled at an accredited, degree-granting institution in the state of North Carolina.
Please review the eligibility requirements in the Request for Proposals.
How do I determine if I am within the criteria of being within an underrepresented group?
The PDEP program prioritizes groups in the US and Canada shown to be underrepresented in the sciences and historically excluded because of race/ethnicity: Native American, Native Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Latinx. For the purpose of this program, these groups are defined as follows:
- Black/African American refers to US citizens of African descent who have been raised in the United States and who are descendants of families of the American South or Deep South, or descendants of families who migrated from the American South to urban areas in the North, Midwest, and Southwest; Black Americans exposed to US discriminatory laws and practices that were in effect prior to the passage of the US Civil Rights Act by Congress in 1964, such as redlining, Jim Crow laws, and enslavement.
- Latinx refers to the people of Latin America and their descendants who live in the US. The PDEP program prioritizes support for postdocs who reside in the US and who are descendants of Latin American families disadvantaged by US immigration and economic practices such as migrant farm work and other low-wage labor. Most such families will have immigrated from Mexico, Central America, or Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican residents and citizens are eligible to apply.
- Native Americans refer to US or Canadian citizens who are descendants of the indigenous peoples of North America. US Natives eligible for this program need to be accepted members of any of the 573 recognized Nations or tribes as listed by the US Bureau of Indian Affairs. Canadian Natives should be members of any of the First Nations, Inuit, or Métis.
- Native Pacific Islanders refer to a) Native Hawaiians, who are the indigenous Polynesian people of Hawaii; b) Indigenous peoples of Oceania who are citizens of any of the islands served by the US Office of Insular Affairs.
Do I need to be nominated by my institution?
You must be nominated by an advisor at a degree-granting institution in North Carolina where you are enrolled full-time as a doctoral student.
Can I apply if I am in my first year as a doctoral student?
No. At a minimum, applicants should be within the last semester of their 2nd year as a doctoral student at the time of the application and should not be within any more than their 4th year of study.
Are permanent residents of the United States eligible to apply?
Applicants must be citizens of the United States or Canada at the time of the application deadline.
What role does the advisor play in my application?
The advisor provides a nomination for the applicant and shares how the award would be instrumental for the applicant’s enrichment experiences. The advisor and applicant may be requested to participate in a diversity workshop.
Is the BWF application deadline firm?
Yes. An application can be started and remain active up to the date and time of the stated deadline.
Can I submit a paper application?
No. BWF requires that all applications for this program be submitted electronically by the application deadline. Paper applications will not be accepted.
Can I change my application once submitted?
No. Once your application has been submitted, it cannot be changed.
To whom should my advisor letter be addressed?
The letter from the advisor should be addressed to the GDEP Review and Selection Committee. The letter must be submitted by the mentor prior to the application deadline. Faxed letters will not be accepted.
Are there format requirements for the project plan?
Yes. Use standard 11- or 12-point type for the text. The text must be single-spaced with one-inch or larger margins on all sides. The font-size requirement is strictly enforced.
Award Timeline
Jun 15, 2023
Application Deadline
Sep 15, 2023
Notice of Award
Nov 01, 2023
Award Start Date
Aug 30, 2025
Award End Date
Program Contacts