Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease

Application Deadline:

Nov 14, 2024





Invited Applicants Only

Eligibility & Application Process:

The competition will employ a two-stage process.

Request for Proposals

Progress Reporting

Due Dates:
2002-2008 Awardees:  August 1
2010-2016 Awardees:  August 1

2009 Awardees:  December 1

Progress and financial reports are required of all BWF grants, and are due on the date specified in the award letter or contract.  Advisory Committee and staff depend heavily upon progress and financial reports to evaluate progress.  Late reports inconvenience advisory committee reviewers and impede the Fund's evaluation of its programs.  Failure to submit progress or financial reports in a timely fashion will result in termination of funding.

BWF has provided Progress Report Guidelines to assist in the preparation and submission of Progress Reports in an acceptable manner. Awardees must provide BWF with an annual progress report detailing scientific progress.  Institutions must provide an annual financial report.  Both reports must be submitted by the due date on forms that will be provided and according to the instructions below.  All PDF on-line forms and instructions referenced on this page can be accessed below.

Sections of the Progress Report

I.  Cover Sheet

The Cover Sheet for your Progress Report must be completed on-line (see below) and  should contain the following information:

  1. Your name
  2. Your institution
  3. Your BWF award program
  4. The title of your project
  5. The BWF request ID number for your grant
  6. Year grant awarded
  7. Total amount funded
  8. The progress report period dates
  9. The duration of your grant (in years)
  10. The grant year this report covers (i.e. first, second, final, no-cost  extension, etc.)
  11. Due date of the report
  12. Size of your research group (in number of technicians, graduate and undergraduate students, post docs, etc.)

II.  Scientific Abstract

Include the one-page abstract and list of specific aims from your original proposal. Convert these documents to a PDF file for submission with your report.

III.  Research Progress

In no more than three pages, describe the progress made toward each specific aim listed in your original application.  Describe any changes in the focus or direction of your research, as well as surprises, discoveries, or innovations since your last report.  Explain how close you are to achieving the goals of your proposal.  Any apparent drops in productivity should be explained.

IV.  Mentoring/Institutional Environment

List the names, degrees, and positions for all trainees in your laboratory, and indicate which (if any) are funded through this award.  In one paragraph, describe the training plan for each BWF-supported trainee and of the trainee’s own professional development during the reported year.  The financial report should indicate the level of support provided to any BWF-funded trainees.

List names and where all (BWF supported and non-supported trainees) graduate students, postdocs, fellows, etc. trained in your laboratory have gone.

V.   Career Impact/Comments/Concerns

Comment on how the Award may have impacted your career or research.  Also, if appropriate, address any issues or concerns associated with your current institution and/or BWF administration of the grant.  Comment on the most important accomplishment that has occurred in the past year.

The Fund sometimes highlights Awardees’ work in our publications.  Is there any specific part of your BWF-supported work you would like to bring to our attention for this purpose?

VI.  Other Funding Sources

Include a list of all sources of current and future committed grant support (from for-profit as well as not-for-profit sources).  Indicate source of funds, principal investigator (if not yourself), title of project, direct costs, grant period, and your percent effort.

VII.  Curriculum Vitae

Include a current Curriculum Vitae, or complete the NIH-style biographical form.

VIII.  BWF-Supported Publications (if applicable)

Provide all BWF-supported publications, submitted papers or papers in-press, or other publications specifically associated with research supported by your award during this reporting period. BWF support must be acknowledged on all BWF-funded publications. Submit each publication as an individual PDF file.

IX.  Financial Report

The Financial Report must be completed on-line (see below) by the institutional financial officer. The report should contain the typed name of both the awardee and the institutional official completing the report. The Financial Report may be submitted under separate cover, according to the instructions.

Submission of the Progress Report

Submit the completed Cover Sheet with your Progress Report by the deadline. Use 12-point font size with one inch margins on all sides. Combine all subsections into one PDF file, including the cover sheet. Submit reprints as separate PDF files. The Financial Report may be submitted as a separate PDF file.

Submit your entire Progress and Financial Report PDF files via email to by the due dates set out above. If you have questions, contact Darcy Lewandowski, 919-991-5132 or

Help with on-line forms:

  1. Determine your system software. Adobe Reader is widely used because it is free software (easily downloadable from which allows you to complete the form on line, print the form, convert it to PDF format, and email it to BWF. Adobe Acrobat is purchased software required to save PDF files. “Acrobat” allows you to complete the form on line, save the form and data to your system, and immediately email the PDF form to BWF.
  2. With "Reader" software, print the form you just completed (do not use the Email button on the form). Convert the paper form to a PDF file by some electronic means and submit the PDF file to BWF via email to
  3. With "Acrobat" software, after completing the form, click the Email button and you will be prompted to save your file to your system. If you are not prompted, it is likely that you do not have the required software, must print the form and follow step 2 above. If you email this form without Acrobat software, it will email a blank form and you will lose your data.
  4. To complete the on-line forms, click on the first blank line and begin typing. To advance to the next line, press the keyboard "Tab" key until the form is completely filled out. Be sure to press the return key after the last entry to complete the process.Note the following when completing the Financial Report:
    If you submitted a Financial Report last year, the information provided in that report should be used to calculate the Cumulative to Date figures.
  5. The subtotal fields in both columns will automatically calculate as you enter the relevant numerical data. The "Balance" should be the same in both the Current Reporting Period and Cumulative to Date columns.
Forms and Instructions

Award Timeline

Jul 18, 2024

Letter of Intent Deadline

Oct 04, 2024

Invitation to Submit a Full Proposal

Nov 14, 2024

Application Deadline

Apr 28 - 30, 2025

Finalist Interviews

May 31, 2025

Notice of Award

Jul 01, 2025

Award Start Date

Jun 30, 2030

Award End Date

Program Contacts

Victoria McGovern, Ph.D.

Senior Program Officer


Darcy Lewandowski

Program Associate

Kendi Kajogo

Program Coordinator
