Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease

Application Deadline:

Nov 14, 2024





Invited Applicants Only

Eligibility & Application Process:

The competition will employ a two-stage process.

Request for Proposals

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be nominated by my institution to submit an application?


Is the BWF pre-proposal deadline firm? 


How do I determine if I am eligible to submit an application?

The eligibility guidelines and an eligibility quiz will assist you in determining whether or not you are eligible to apply for this award. If you meet the eligibility requirements set out in the quiz, the system will immediately notify you and allow you to begin the application process. If I have a question about my eligibility for this program, whom can I contact for help? For answers to eligibility issues not covered under eligibility or the FAQs, please contact Muno Sekhon, program associate, by email or by phone 919-991-5122. Questions regarding whether your work falls within the scope of the program may be directed to the program officer, Victoria McGovern, Ph.D., by email or by phone 919-991-5112.

I currently hold a BWF award. Am I eligible for this award?

Possibly. Contact program associate Muno Sekhon, via email or by phone, 919-991-5122, to discuss eligibility.

I am a past BWF grantee. Am I eligible for this award?

Possibly. Contact program associate Muno Sekhon, via email or by phone, 919-991-5122, to discuss eligibility. BWF travel awardees and those with CGT grants are eligible.

What is meant by "An established record of independent research"?

An established record of independent research means that you have published a significant body of work beyond that related to your postdoctoral advisors. Researchers who have not demonstrated this level of independence should not apply. It is not necessary to have an R01 before applying for a Pathogenesis award, but successful applicants will have gained substantial nationally or internationally competitive funding from Federal agencies or philanthropy. If you have questions, please contact program officer Victoria McGovern, Ph.D., by email or by phone, 919-991-5112.

I am in the process of applying for permanent residency in the United States. Am I eligible for this award?

Yes. This program is open to temporary residents of the U.S. and Canada, as well as citizens and permanent residents of the U.S. and Canada.

My institution does not have tenure. Am I eligible for this award?

Possibly. Applications from institutions that do not offer tenure must demonstrate an extremely strong institutional commitment, congruent to the level of commitment that is traditionally dedicated to tenure-track hires. This institutional commitment will be stated in an Institutional Letter to be submitted with full applications. Broadly, we expect those in departments that do not have tenure to have gained start-up packages, dedicated laboratory space, and institutional backing congruent to that seen in nationally competitive tenure track faculty hires. If you are unsure about whether your institution’s statement will be strong enough, please call the program officer, Victoria McGovern, Ph.D., by email or by phone 919-991-5112.

What level of assistant professor is eligible?

Any level of assistant professor may apply. Most successful applicants have been assistant professors for more than three years.

Are applicants who will be promoted to Associate Professor after the pre-proposal deadline eligible to apply to the Investigator in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease award?

No. Applicants who will be promoted to Associate Professor by the full proposal deadline are not eligible to apply.

I do not have a tenure-track position. Am I eligible for this award?

Possibly. Exceptions are made for departments/institutions that do not offer tenure to anyone at any level, a common situation in clinical departments at many universities. Applications from institutions that do not offer tenure must demonstrate an extremely strong institutional commitment, congruent to the level of commitment that is traditionally dedicated to tenure-track hires. If you have doubts about whether your relationship with your institution is appropriate for this award, please call the program officer, Victoria McGovern, Ph.D., by email or by phone 919-991-5112.

My title is research scientist, instructor, or research associate. Am I eligible for this award?

Probably not. If your position is truly equivalent to an assistant professorship you are eligible for this award.

I am at an independent research institute. Am I eligible for this award?

Possibly. You must apply through a university-affiliated with your research institute. If you receive an award, the university affiliated with the research institute must agree to administer it. Researchers at federal facilities or research institutes that are not affiliated with a degree-granting institution may not apply. This policy is non-negotiable.

Do I need to submit a Letter of Intent prior to beginning an application?

No. BWF does not require a letter of intent prior to beginning an application for this program. However, this is a two-stage application process. The pre-proposal is a short application with a July 15, 2019 deadline. The second stage full application is by invitation only with a November 15, 2019 deadline.

Can I change my application once submitted?

No. Once your application is submitted, it cannot be changed.

Can I receive a copy of my online application?

You can print a copy of your application as you are completing it by clicking the "Printer Friendly Version" link at the top of the page. You may also click the "Email Draft" link to email a copy of the application. Note that BWF does not accept emailed applications.

I forgot my user ID and/or password. What should I do?

Click the “Access your saved proposal” button in the right navigation column for the forgotten password or user id link.

Do I need to complete an application in one session?

You can start an application and return at a later time to continue or complete it. When beginning a new application, click the “Begin a proposal” button in the right navigation column and establish a log-in and password. At any time during the application process, you may click the “Save and finish later” button, exit the application, and return at a later time. To access a saved application, click the “Access your saved proposal” button in the right navigation column. All applications must be submitted by the published due date and time. Please note that all pre-proposal applications must be submitted by the deadline.

How do I return to an incomplete application that I saved, but have not yet submitted?

To access a saved application, click the “Access your saved proposal” button in the right navigation column.

What is the order of documents for the pre-proposal and how are the attachments submitted?

All attachments must be uploaded and submitted as one (1) continuous PDF in the following order:

  1. Application Cover Sheet (template provided)
  2. Five Critical Questions (template provided)
  3. Applicant's Biosketch (CV) (template provided)
  4. Institutional Certification (template provided)
  5. Signature Page (template provided)

Items 1-5 must be ordered as shown, combined into one PDF. You will then upload the file to the online application.

How do I use the templates provided to prepare the application?

You must download the type of template you will use (both Word and PDF versions are provided), completely enter all required information, and save your documents.

If I’m having trouble with the electronic application, whom can I contact for help?

For questions with the electronic application, please contact Muno Sekhon via email or by phone 919-991-5132.

What is the Signature Page?

The Signature Page requires information and signatures of the Applicant and the Institutional Signing Official. E-signatures are accepted.

What is an E-Signature?

An electronic signature is a scanned or digital image of an actual signature or an official digital signature.  Please do not type a name or initials into the template.

How do I access the Signature Page Template?

The Signature Page template can be accessed under Forms and Resources.

Who needs to sign the Pre-proposal Signature Page?

The following people must sign the Signature Page:

  1. The Applicant - in the signature box marked “Signature of Applicant".
  2. The Official responsible for sponsored programs at the degree-granting institution - in the signature box marked “Signature of Signing Official".

Are faxed documents of any nature permitted?


When will I be notified whether I have been invited to submit a full proposal?

All applicants will be notified by October 1 on whether they have been selected/invited to submit a full proposal.

What are my chances of receiving an Investigator in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease award?

The current success rate for the PATH program is 8.3%, which makes this program quite competitive. Who were the successful applicants in past competitions? Grant recipients for this program may be viewed on the BWF website. Because we give relatively few awards, the awardee pool should not be taken to reflect the limits of the Fund's interests. BWF remains committed to supporting work in underserved fields, particularly in the fungal, protozoan, and metazoan pathogens.

Award Timeline

Jul 18, 2024

Letter of Intent Deadline

Oct 04, 2024

Invitation to Submit a Full Proposal

Nov 14, 2024

Application Deadline

Apr 28 - 30, 2025

Finalist Interviews

May 31, 2025

Notice of Award

Jul 01, 2025

Award Start Date

Jun 30, 2030

Award End Date

Program Contacts

Victoria McGovern, Ph.D.

Senior Program Officer


Darcy Lewandowski

Program Associate

Kendi Kajogo

Program Coordinator
